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Recycling in Wales has changed. Is your business compliant?

From 6th April 2024, a new law requires all businesses, charities, and public sector organisations in Wales to sort their waste for recycling.

Welsh Recycling Regulations Guide

Download your free guide to the new regulations.

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Compliance and Timelines:

  • All workplaces in Wales, except NHS hospitals and private hospitals, must comply by 6th April 2024.
  • NHS hospitals and private hospitals have an additional 2 years to implement the changes.
  • Failure to comply with the law may result in fines for your workplace.

Download your free guide for:

  • Steps to ensure business compliance
  • How to dispose of waste
  • How the new law will be enforced
  • Your duty of care

Welsh Recycling FAQs courtesy of WRAP Cymru

Welsh Recycling FAQs

Contact us for help with the new Welsh Regulations:

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